How to Use AI in Marketing Examples and 5 Best Use Cases

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When businesses utilize AI to learn more about their customers and improve their content, they are engaging in AI marketing. When AI in marketing is used to direct marketing efforts, those assets become uniquely tailored to each individual customer. This can take the form of anything from chatbots to tailored ads to automatic content creation.

When AI is used in marketing, it gathers data, “learns” customer behavior, and then analyzes that data to help a company succeed. Customers who engage in particular actions on your website, such as clicking a button or “liking” a social network post, can even be contacted by AI.

Marketers can utilize a variety of AI technologies and software to set off automated replies for their customers, provide personalized content and come up with new content ideas to increase customer engagement. AI in marketing can be used for several tasks, including data analysis, media planning and buying, content creation, and customer segmentation. Let’s explore the marketing applications of AI now.

Where To Use AI in Marketing

1. Personalized Content

Personalized content is one application of artificial intelligence in marketing. Whether or not a customer has filled out a form for your business online can influence how their experience is shaped by AI. This Way to use AI in marketing can greatly increase your customer or visitor engagement and

2. Data Analytics

One of the most common applications of AI in advertising is data analytics. Synthesizing massive volumes of data from different marketing efforts is now possible thanks to AI.

Using measures like user engagement, transactions, time on the page, newsletter, and more, AI can forecast the success of marketing initiatives.

3. Creating Content

AI is additionally utilized to assist in developing content. It’s useful for coming up with ideas for captions, social media postings, email subjects, and blog pieces. All of us have witnessed AI’s ability to write articles on specific topics. However, it should be noted that the vast majority of AI-generated content is not yet ready for public consumption. Keep in mind that it dosn´t end with written content, by now there lots of Ai based tools to simplify your video marketing effords for example, check out our reviews to find the best products for your needs!

AI in marketing examples

Generative AI is often used by modern marketers for making content suggestions and writing drafts. They then edit, fact-check, and otherwise modify the writing produced by AI until it seems natural.

4. Media

Media buying is another area where AI is being put to use in the marketing world. With AI, ads and media placements can be adjusted for optimum reach and ROI.

5. Chatbots

Chatbots are one example of how artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in marketing for some time. Bots built using NLP may answer frequently asked questions, help with lead generation and solve immediate customer service issues. At the point in the customer journey where they are taking in marketing content, a chatbot can provide a touch of personalization. In addition, this resource can address inquiries from users.

Using AI in Marketing Examples

AI in marketing examples

1. Personalization 

Imagine entering a beauty website and being greeted by an AI assistant who knows your skin type, preferences, and past purchases. It offers you a virtual try-on for makeup through augmented reality, thus personalizing your shopping experience. Companies like Sephora and L’Oréal are leveraging AI to create personalized experiences that mimic the attentive service you would expect in-store but at the scale of the internet. These AI-driven systems analyze customer data, past purchases, and even skin tones to recommend products that suit individual customers.

2. Streaming Services

Netflix and Spotify have set the gold standard for personalized content curation. Their recommendation engines analyze billions of data points from user interactions to suggest shows, movies, or music that you’re likely to enjoy. This is marketing through service excellence—ensuring that users stay engaged and subscribe month after month. It’s a soft-sell approach that feels less like advertising and more like a concierge service.

3. Customer Service

Visit any major retailer online, and you’re likely greeted by a chatbot. These are not the clunky, script-bound bots of yore but sophisticated AI that can handle a broad range of customer service inquiries. Home Depot, for example, uses an AI chatbot that assists with everything from product recommendations to DIY tips, effectively becoming an extension of their in-store associates.

4. Financial Services

In financial services, companies like Bank of America use AI-powered virtual assistants, like Erica, to help customers with transactions, balance inquiries, and even financial advice. This round-the-clock service not only reduces wait times and operational costs but also keeps customers engaged with the brand, potentially leading to increased loyalty and upsell opportunities.

5. Predictive Analytics

Fashion brands are using AI to forecast trends, demand, and even the next big color palette. By analyzing social media, search trends, and their own vast troves of data, they can make educated predictions about what items will sell. This allows for optimized stock levels and targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with consumers.

6. Email Campaigns

Using AI, businesses can automate their email marketing campaigns to an unprecedented level of personalization. For example, e-commerce brands utilize AI systems to craft individualized email messages that include product recommendations based on previous purchases, browsing behavior, and even the time that the customer is most likely to open their email. This results in higher engagement rates and, ultimately, sales.

Pros of Using AI in Marketing

ROI Increase

The aforementioned AI in marketing may be applied to marketing with the ultimate goal of improving return on investment and creating more transparent campaigns. Better advertising resources and continuous campaign improvement are possible thanks to AI data analytics and understanding. Your marketing department will be able to work faster and with fewer resources, boosting productivity and revenue.

Customer Relations

AI in marketing also helps strengthen connections with consumers. The more you know and care for your clients, the more inclined they are to return. Because AI can customize marketing content and assets in real time.

Also, AI can help you keep clients who are at risk of leaving by including them in an automatic promotional effort to win them back.

Better Decision Making

Better choices regarding marketing strategy are the end result of the rising use of artificial intelligence in this field. Scaling has never been more crucial (or more challenging) as your business and marketing staff expand.

Cons of Using AI in Marketing

Compromise on Quality

You should expect a decline in content quality if you utilize AI to generate material without also using human editors. Accurate and timely data is crucial to the success of artificial intelligence.

Without a human writer or editor, AI can make mistakes in factual accuracy, prejudice, and brand voice. To avoid these kinds of errors, human supervision of AI systems is essential.

Lack of Data

Customers are starting to place higher importance on privacy as tailored marketing assets become more commonplace. Some AI methods involve looking at a user’s cookies and browsing history to make predictions about what that user will buy in the future.

Make sure you’re in line with privacy regulations like GDPR if your marketing department implements AI software.

KPIs Without Numerical Values

Some measurements are your best buddies because they’re obvious. Consider click-through rates, conversion rates, and leads generated—these metrics are straightforward. The KPI straight shooters ‘ improvement signals success.

But then there are the harder-to-get metrics. We’re talking about qualitative things like how customers feel when they interact with your brand, how many people are talking about your items, or your company’s market vibe. These features are harder to pinpoint and might creep between the cracks like a change in a couch.

Here, you need KPI detective skills. Finding trustworthy means to measure these slippery elements is vital. Satisfaction surveys, Net Promoter Scores, and social media sentiment research can measure customer experience quality. Brand awareness? Check your social mentions, branded search volume, or regular polls to gauge public opinion. Media mentions, consumer reviews, and ratings on trustworthy platforms can reveal your brand’s reputation.

Finding new ways to quantify the qualitative is key. You’re the narrator of this data story. Your before-and-after shows how AI may change your bottom line and the intangible, but crucial components of your brand’s identity and customer interactions.

Bottom Line

Using AI in marketing is based on the nature of your business and the targets you’re focusing on. However, one thing is for sure: AI is making a difference. Some industries, like the entertainment industry, are benefitting a great deal from AI use, as we mentioned in the AI in marketing examples of Netflix in the previous section. Moreover, other industries are trying to use it as much as they can as well. 

So, if you’re also in business and looking to take advantage of AI in marketing, you should try it. Now, where do you start? It’s also simple: start from here with AI Marketing Reviews. Our experts review a multitude of AI tools used in marketing daily, and we bring you our authentic reviews and feedback on them. Additionally, we also include getting started guides in each review. So, explore your AI tool in our reviews section and give it a try!

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